Natasha Zo

Hi, I’m
Natasha Zo

I’m a former journalist with an itch for
questioning the status quo.
I’m on a mission to help disruptive entrepreneurs
and transformational leaders to use the power of
the media for GOOD.
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My love/hate relationship with the media

Truth is, I’ve got disappointed in traditional media, before it was cool (around 2009 to be exact). 

Working as a journalist, I’ve seen how money runs the media agenda and how people blindly trust words they see in print or on TV. After 5 years as a journalist I was completely disillusioned. I never wanted to be a part of this mess again!

I decided to take a drastic career change and applied for a job in Malaysia with a company called Mindvalley. Few months later I was packing my bags for an adventure of a lifetime! 

In Mindvalley I was put in charge of a team of brilliant marketers and got to work with some of the top transformational teachers. Helping gazillions of people to find a way to better health, mindful living and personal growth. And that felt SO GOOD. I loved the message! I wanted more of this in the world. 

PR agency started
as a passion

I started occasionally pitching stories of inspiring people I’ve met.
Never planned to make a business out of it. I’ve learned the world of internet marketing at Mindvalley, but could not shake the feeling that media could help reach more people. Before I knew it, I was pitching magazines, online publications, podcasts and youtube shows and needed to hire help. Turns out I swore off the world of media too quickly. Media can fill your brain with clickbait garbage or provide food for thoughts.

And I knew I could really help to make sure there is more inspiration and less info-garbage. So I had to give it a try!

The Team

Assembling a team of brilliant, fierce women is my proudest achievement to date. We are binded by love for our clients and dedication to help them spread their messages. Like many virtual teams, we’ve passed the test of working through a global pandemic.

We’ve also been tested by challenges brought by the Russian war in Ukraine (the entire team consists of Russians and Ukranians, so everyone had a family to worry about).

Meet the brains and hearts behind our top media features
Olga Kononenko
Account manager

A rare kind, Olga is both creative
and extremely responsible

Marina Lifar
Team director

A brave soul and witty
mind - Marina holds
the fort together

Natalia Galak
Account manager

Super-power mother of two who
knows how to open
any closed door

Margarita Pososhina
Account manager

Thoughtful and caring she is there to make you feel like on a first-class flight

We believe

In people
that’s why we are in the business of building long-lasting connections
In transparency
from our discovery calls to contracts to the way we talk to media
In the power of knowledge
and do our part in spreading the truth that can uplift humanity.

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